Melodyne 5 essential adds surgical, intuitive, and truly transparent pitch adjustment capabilities that are an industry-standard in professional studios around the world.

Melodyne 5 EssentialAlso included with Nectar 3 Plus.Relay provides essential mix operations and connects your entire mix to your iZotope plug-in collection via inter-plugin communication. RX 8 Breath Control can quickly and easily remove errant breath sounds in vocal recordings. Compra ahora el paquete vocal que incluye VocalSynth 2 y Nectar 3 Plus de iZotope en la tienda online de la tienda de música y descárgalo directamente. Best for A Broad, Do Everything Tool: Nectar 3 Plus - iZotope. A one-stop for past, present, and future vocal sounds, VocalSynth 2 features a Vocoder, Compuvox, Polyvox, Talkbox, and Biovox: a brand new effect based on the dynamic sonic qualities of the human vocal tract. Waves Signature Series Vocals Plugin Bundle Overview: 4 multi-effect plugins for mixing. VocalSynth 2 helps you find your sound in an immersive vocal experience that evolves with your production.

RX 10 Ozone 10 Neutron 4 Nectar 3 VocalSynth 2 Neoverb Tonal Balance Control 2 Insight 2 Spire Studio Ozone Imager Vinyl Vocal Doubler Mix & Master. Vocal production View all topics Explore Products. This revised release also has an updated version of Relay. Create new sounds with iZotopes Iris 2, a sample manipulation synth plug-in with resynthesis and spectral synthesis engines. FIXED: The previous release was not Nectar Plus, but Nectar. Address every part of your vocal chain and get professional-sounding vocals in seconds. From corrective or creative vocal production all the way to the final polish, Nectar 3 Plus brings forth your intended performance in isolation and in the context of the mix. Download NOW Introducing Nectar 3, the most sophisticated set of tools for mixing vocals. Get your vocals to sit in the mix with the most sophisticated set of tools designed for vocal production.